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How Augmented Reality is Reshaping User Experience


Augmented Reality is a technology that allows the superimposition of computer-generated elements into real-world environments. Just like Virtual Reality, Augmented reality employs the use of several sensory elements such as Visuals, audio, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory. But unlike VR, AR does not provide a fully immersive experience for users.

With the yearly increasing figures of AR users globally, a report by Statista reveals that in 2023, there will be an estimated 2.4 billion users of mobile augmented reality worldwide, over a thousand percent rise from the 200 million reported in 2015.

Interestingly, this budding technology is beginning to find immense relevance in various industries such as tourism, healthcare, education, fashion, marketing, and security. And it is indeed shaping the way people learn, explore, and make decisions as well as the way they have fun. Below are three major ways through which Augmented Reality is reshaping the user experience.

  1. Designs are becoming more user-friendly: The whole point of User Experience (UX) is to optimize products to become not just what the users need, but also what they want. With that in mind, augmented reality provides interfaces with reduced cognitive tasks for users and a lot more interactivity, an experience that will resonate with the users for a long time.

  2. It provides real-time feedback: Feedback from users is what fuels product development and improvement. With Augmented reality providing real-time feedback, designers do not have to wait for data from user testing and whatnot. This helps to ensure that improvements are made to the User Experience on a real-time basis.

  3. Evolution from 2D to 3D: Virtually every form of visual content before AR had always existed in 2D format and UX designers had gotten accustomed to this. But the advent of AR and VR has been a watershed in this regard. Designers are now beginning to think about how to maneuver the complexities of 3D designs in order to create immersive user experiences.

In the coming years, Augmented Reality will elevate the concept of User Experience by increasing interactivity and paving the way for seamless and intuitive decision-making. It is up to UX designers to surmount this daunting task and determine how AR will shape the future. You can be part of this amazing future in Product design by taking part in our Product UX Design Bootcamp and Training coming up this fall. Click here to join the waitlist


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