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Is There a Place for Women in Design Tech?


Today's world has made it clear that innovations are better achieved by a diverse team, where members challenge each other and bring fresh ideas and perspectives without discrimination. Women play unique roles in technology and society at large.

​You use specific tools and products and begin to imagine them function differently if women designed them. If not designed, at least a woman was part of the buildup. Design flaws suggest that a product can be better if built by a diverse team. You notice these flaws in the design, and then you agree that the tech industry does not have enough women.

In recent times, the tech industry has been lagging in diversity. Women are currently underrepresented in the tech industry. Recent statistics show that for every female, two males are represented in the tech industry, and just about one-third of all employees in tech jobs in the US are women.

Considering a total workforce of about 34.4% of women in the world's largest tech companies is a relatively small amount compared to the number of men in the industry.

The big question then" is, "IS THERE A PLACE FOR WOMEN IN DESIGN TECH?" Ideally, women deserve to have a say in designing products that are specific to them or anyone at all. After all, tech is meant to make life easier for everyone, and tech talent is everywhere regardless of gender.

There is a place for women in tech – this has been demonstrated by the recent strides of women in the industry. The likes of Julie Zhuo (VP of product design at Facebook), Anisha Jain (Design leader at Dropbox), and Brit Morin (CEO and Founder of Brit + Co) have shown us that women have a place in technology. However, they have to work twice as much to earn recognition.

These women have been seen to possess certain qualities that have helped them rise over the years. One of which is building networks with sponsors, mentors, and other relevant leaders in the industry. Data has shown that tech companies with gender diversity inclined management to achieve better financial results on an average compared to other companies.

In 2011, studies by catalyst showed that organizations with board directors consisting primarily of women outperformed other companies with a negligible average ROI of 26% and ROS of 16%.

However, about 2/3 of women in the tech industry do not stay up to 15 years. Why? Men inspired work cultures that do not consider women, family obligations of women – working mothers tend to quit their jobs more. These stats prove that the tech industry needs to do better for women. Little ways companies can support women in technology are by building a more inclusive work culture, investing in women by creating and developing leadership qualities, and promoting a network of women within the organization.

Including women in technology should be a top priority of every tech company and startup. The tech industry needs more women and improved company culture to help these women grow in their careers.

Brave Achievers launched the second phase of GoCreate USA Product Design Bootcamp this spring to train design enthusiasts.

The Bootcamp focuses more on Black American women. Learn more about GoCreate USA, and join the waitlist for Fall.


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